1. 00:58 27th Oct 2015

    Notes: 8

    laanahiisqueen asked: Plz follow me I love ur blog ?!💜😌💓🔥👑👑

    Yes, of course! I love finding new beauty blogs to inspire designs 💓

  2. 02:33 3rd May 2015

    Notes: 5

    2 months since my last post.. I wish I could manage my time better and give this blog much needed love. I am always logged on checking posts and adding to the nail art tag but I haven’t done my nails much this semester.

    I’ll be in South Africa from the 25th until June 18th. But when I get back, I have some polish to review and some new ideas to design. I’m really excited to see some old regulars during the summer break and hopefully I’ll have several queued designs for you.

    It really means a lot that I can get on every week and see new notifications and visitors. Thank you for the continued interest <3

  3. 22:26 28th Feb 2015

    Notes: 6

    Omg got on today to scan for tag posts and I see this! I freakin love you poptarp !! This made my day..

    Omg got on today to scan for tag posts and I see this! I freakin love you poptarp !! This made my day..

  4. image: Download

    This is not so much for the art but to show the colors in natural, overcast light. I took advantage of the last ZOYA promo which gave us 3 unreleased mini shades. (Btw, did anyone else order it and did they get Charlotte, Anais, and Severine...

    This is not so much for the art but to show the colors in natural, overcast light. I took advantage of the last ZOYA promo which gave us 3 unreleased mini shades. (Btw, did anyone else order it and did they get Charlotte, Anais, and Severine too?)

    Maya is described as ‘semi-opaque bright pink coral with tangerine undertones’ and she absolutely is spot on. I don’t really care for sheers but Maya is pretty.

    Then, the mystery shade Charlotte is totally a new favorite and I’m upset they aren’t selling full-size. Charlotte in mass sale is a pinkish nude but this version is a light creamy cement shade like a lighter Revlon Bare Bones. It is freakin gorgeous!

  5. image: Download

    Second view of my lazy green ombre. School and work are killing my nail time but I’m going to situate myself and get back into it. Miss you guys too much

    Second view of my lazy green ombre. School and work are killing my nail time but I’m going to situate myself and get back into it. Miss you guys too much

  6. 02:01 20th Jan 2015

    Notes: 176

    Reblogged from kindy-63



    As of right now, we have 84 backers. You guys are AMAZING for being the first to support us!!! 

    We need more backers though so that we can increase our ranking on Kickstarter’s website. The more backers and clicks on our page we have, the more VISIBLE we will be on Kickstarter (higher up on the “Popular” page)…which will help more people to see us and support us.

    More details here on my blog.

    Because I absolutely want a macaron curing light <3

  7. image: Download

    Are you in desperate need of refiling your grown out shape? Have you been in the off position while on winter break? Does is kill you to have bare nails? Can you not decide between colors and/or cannot commit to a design?
If you answered yes to at...

    Are you in desperate need of refiling your grown out shape? Have you been in the off position while on winter break? Does is kill you to have bare nails? Can you not decide between colors and/or cannot commit to a design?

    If you answered yes to at least one question above, I have the solution for you! Take those 2+ polishes and paint all nails with two coats of the lighter color. There will probably be streaks because this thing is not ever as opaque as you’d like. Take the darker colors, wipe most off in the bottle, and literally swoosh it from base to tip several times. Apply a boss ass topcoat to smooth over your work and go out into the world to rack up all the compliments about your outstanding marble/gradient. Also, steal a photo your friend took of your lunch outing and post that online because you have no lighting setup in your home.

    Good luck! I love you all and I love your nails more :)